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Diamond Wire Guide For FA Series |
Carbide feeder for Mitsubishi FA,FX series |
Drill Chunk Keyless for EDM Drill |
Drill Pipe Guide for EDM Drill |
X052B243G65 Diamond Wire Guide |
Diamond Wire Guide for Sodick EDM |
Injection Chamber lower for Robofil Series |
Ceramic threading nozzle for charmilles Robofil series |
Tungsten Carbide Centering eye For Charmilles wire cut |
100434447 Wire EDM Charmilles Cutter Knife |
Panther brake belt for Charmilles wire edm |
135001012 Charmilles Wire Cutter |
104447530 Soldered Connections sub-assembly |
Wire Guide For Wire edm Charmilles 204339860 |
Diamond Guide for Makino Wire EDM |
Power feed contact for makino |
Water Nozzle Holder for Makino EE series |
18EC130A401 Water Nozzle for Makino wire cut |
20EC130A401 Flushing Nozzles Laminar for Makino wire cut |
Carbide Power Feed Contact for Makino EDM EC and EE series |
Carbide Contact Pin for Makino wire edm |
Power Feed Contact EU-64, U32K, and U53K series machines |
Makino Diamond Wire Guide Manufacturer |
3080063 Diamond Wire Guide 0.32mm for Sodick EDM |
Wire Die Guide for brother edm 632267025 |
Wire Guides used on Brother HS3100, 3600 machines 659090001 |
Wire Guide diamond upper lower set for brother EDM |
Carbide Parts for Brother edm 632276000 |
Carbide Parts Power Feed Contacts |
Locking Pin for brother wire edm 632270000 |
Wire edm brother Flush Nozzle 632902000 |
Chmer EDM Wire Guide 0.255mm |
Isolate Plate 64*76*10 for Chmer wire edm |
Isolate Plate Lower for Chmer wire edm |
Ceramic Isolate Plate Lower 64*76*10 for Chmer wire edm |
Carbide Electrode Pins for Chmer CW machines |
Gear Pinch Roller |
Aspirator for chmer wire cut machine systems |
Aspirator for chmer wire cut machine systems |
Ceramic Roller for Chmer CW340, 430 series machine |
Ceramic Roller for Wire EDM Chmer CW-430 and 530S |
Ceramic Roller Lower for Chmer |
Shaft for Chmer EDM |
AWT Set Screw for Chmer wire edm machine |
Sodick Auto Wire Thread Tube 2.0-0.5mm |
AWT Pipe 2.0-0.7 for Sodick A350 3080374 |
Ceramic Pipe Guide Z140A Small hole drilling |
Brass Tube EDM Multi-channel 0.6mm * 12 |
A290-8021-X766 Fanuc diamond guide 0.25mm |
Mitsubishi EDM Tungsten Carbide Power Feed Contact |
Mitsubishi Wire Chopper |
Fanuc wire edm parts Diamond Wire Guide 008 |
Ceramic Isolator Plate X053C341H01 for Mutsibhsii DWC90-HA series machines |
Flow Meter for Mitsubishi wire edm |
EDM Diamond guide for Mitsubishi FA,FX series |
Whistle Stop for Charmilles wire edm |
Contact Brush Spring Pulley Contact 200445439 |
Contact sleeve for lower head 100448679 |
Carbide Contacts for Charmilles 200630654 |
3110547 Sodick Diamond die guide 0.26mm |
Contact Support for Charmilles Robifil series |
Charmilles Synchronous belt |
100447506 Synchronous Wire Drive Belt For charmilles |
Flat Belt for charmilles wire edm |
Wire Conveyer Belts For brake 20*690mm |
Drill Chuck Pistol Type for EDM drill Castek |
Sodick TS Guide set |
Brass Tube EDM Single Channel 0.1-3.0mm |
Rubber Bushes seal for edm drill |
Brass Roto Tube .012 |
Brass EDM Electrode Tube .009 |
EDM Brass Tube 018 |
EDM Drill Brass Tube .045 |
Pinch Roller Ceramic 57 x 10 x18 mmX054D256G51 |
Ceramic Pinch Roller 57 x 19 x25 mm |
Capstan Roller Ceramic withno gear X054D412G53 |
Pinch Roller Assembly gear type X053C779G51 |
Ceramic Capstan Roller X053C778G51 |
X058D340G51 Ceramic Pinch Roller |
X058D339G51 Lower roller ceramic 57x10x18 mm |
Ceramic Lower Roller X055C008G51 M409X |
Mitsubishi Pinch roller ceramic X055C009G51 |
Gear for Mitsubishi wire cut X058D501H01 |
Isolator Plate Lower X954D185G51 |
X053C443H01 Lower Isolator Plate X053C443H01 |
Lower Isolation Plate X056C110G51 |
Lower Ceramic Plate X056C110G51 |
Ceramic Isolator Plate X056C110G51 |
X056C968G51 Isolator Plate Ceramic Lower |
X054D345H01 Carbide Parts Power Feed Contact |
Power feeder holder X208D405H01 Mitsubishi |
Power Feed Contact holder X209D212H01 |
Gear For Capstan Rollers X058D501H01 |
Gear For Pinch Rollers X054D257G51 |
Ion Exchange Resin For Wire EDM Sodick |
Mixed Bed Resin EDM 5 Liter / Bag |
Resin For Wire Cut EDM Machine |
Bearing For Ceramic roller Mitsubishi |
S649N899P14 Float Switch for EDM Mitsubishi |
Lower Guide Block for Mitsubishi wire edm |
Pinch Roller Assembly Wire EDM Accutex |
Ceramic Capstan Roller Accutex Wire EDM |
Carbide Electrode Pins A2908110X750 |
Carbide Energizing Plate A2908110X750 |
Fanuc EDM Power Feed Contact |
A97L-0126-0001 Upper Lower Power Feed Contact Fanuc |
Lower Isolator Plate Ceramic Type |
Lower Ceramic Isolator Plate A2908021X709 |
Lower Ceramic Isolation Plate A2908032X334 |
Lower Isolation Plate Ceramic Type |
Ceramic Guide Base Lower A290-8101-X761 |
Ceramic Guide Base Isolator A290-8110-Y761 |
Ceramic Isolating Plate A290-8102-X393 |
Ceramic Isolator Plate for Fanuc wire cut EDM |
Upper Ceramic Isolator Plate For Fanuc EDM |
Upper Isolator Plate For Fanuc Wire Cut EDM |
Upper Ceramic Plate For Wire EDM Fanuc |
Fanuc Ceramic Parts Isolator A290-8110-X600 |
Sodick AWT Pipe 2.0 (1.0) Upper 3080375 |
Sodick AWT Pipe Brass 2.0-0.5mm 3086929 |
Sodick AWT Tube Brass 2.0-0.7mm 3085967 |
Sodick Auto Wire Thread Brass Pipe |
Chmer EDM Capstan Roller X053C778G51 |
Chmer EDM Power Feed Contact 4140029 |
Wire Guide Base for Fanuc Alpha A B Series |
Fanuc Guide Base for Wire EDM Alpha B AWF |
Chmer EDM Power Feed Contact |
S859N319P31 Bearing For Pinch Rollers |
Bearing for Chmer EDM Pinch Rollers |
Bearing for Chmer EDM Pinch Rollers |
Fanuc Ceramic Pinch Roller A290-8110-Z382 |
Ceramic Feed Roller A290-8110-Z383 |
Ceramic Feed Roller A290-8110-Z383 |
Ceramic Pinch Roller For Fanuc EDM |
Ceramic Feed Roller For Fanuc EDM |
Ceramic Pinch Roller For Fanuc EDM |
Fanuc Ceramic feed Roller A290-8112-X383 |
Plastic Water Nozzle X183C439H01 |
Plastic Sectional Water Nozzle 4mm |
Plastic Flush Nozzle 4mmOD 10mm extension |
Flush Caps lower D=4mm Plastic type |
X053C491H02 Flushing Nozzles lower D=6mm Plastic type |
X054D209H11 Ceramic Water Nozzles Lower |
Ceramic Flushing Nozzles Lower X054D209H12 |
Sectional Nozzle Base SUS Type |
Ceramic Flushing Nozzle for FA, FX series |
X054D881H04 Lower Water Nozzless Plastic |
Plastic Water Nozzless Lower X054D881H04 |
Plastic Lower Water Nozzles for Mits wire cut |
Lower Water Nozzle 5mm length extention |
Flushing Nozzles Upper Plastic Type 4mm |
Flushing Water Nozzles Upper Plastic Type |
Flush Caps for Mitsubishi wire cut edm D=8mm |
4mm Upper Water Nozzle For Mitsubishi EDM |
8mm Upper Water Nozzle For Mitsubishi EDM |
Upper Flushing Water Nozzles D=12mm |
Flush Nozzles Upper for Chmer EDM |
Water Nozzles Upper for Chmer Wire Cut |
Flush Caps for Chmer EDM MAWTO077A |
Ceramic Flush Caps For Chmer MAWTO077A |
Brake Shose For Fanuc EDM A290-8101-X371 |
A290-8111-X371 Upper Brake Shose Fanuc |
Wire Sub Roller for Fanuc cnc wire cut |
Ceramic Roller Lower A290-8101-X765 |
Lower wire guides for Charmilles 100430586 |
104323510 Water Nozzles for Charmilles EDM |
Upper-Lower Plastic Nut For Charmilles EDM |
Water Nozzles Lower for Charmilles Wire EDM |
Flushing Nozzles Lower 135011828 |
100446021 Flat Nozzles 446021 for Charmilles Wire Cut |
Flat Water Nozzle 449.031 D=7mm |
Flat Flush Caps 448.473 D=5mm |
Upper Head Nozzle 6mm, 200542917 |
Lower Flush Caps or Water Nozzles 542.646 |
Flushing Water Nozzles For Charmilles wire cut |
200431788 Ceramic Threading Nozzles 6mm |
Ceramic re-threading Nozzles 1.8mm 431.787 |
Nozzle Guide Lower For Sodick AQ. 325. 530Ls |
Lower Nozzle Guide For Sodick EDM 3081032 |
Upper Nozzle Base 3082804 |
Sodick Lower Nozzle base S409 3082629 |
Lower Nozzle Holder S409-1 3082629 |
Speed Ring Lower For AQ. 325L. 530L series |
Sodick Ceramic Isolator Plate S301 3080178 |
Sodick Ceramic Guide Block S302 3082518 |
Discharge Cable For Sodick EDM AQ360LS |
Sodick Discharge Cable AQ325, 327Ls 3087260 |
Sodick AD360Ls Ribbon Cable 3110051 |
3110162 Discharge Cable Ribbon For AQ400, 600 Ls |
Discharging Cable Ribbon For Sodick AQ750Ls |
Ribbon Discharging Cable For Sodick AQ560Ls |
S851 Lower Discharging Cable For Sodick AQ550Ls |
Lower Ribbon Cable For Sodick AG400Ls |
AG600 Ribbon Discharging Cable 700mmL |
Sodick Feed Roller Ceramic Type 3052991 |
Ceramic Feed Roller For Sodick Wire EDM |
Upper Urethane Tension Roller 3053703 |
Upper Urethane Roller For Sodick EDM |
Molybdenum Wire For CNC Wire Cutting |
100446736 Ground cable for contact brush |
Hitachi Wire Guides Q1846 |
Hitachi Wire Guides Q1848 |
Hitachi Power Feed Contacts S1325 |
Mitsubishi Roller Base Block X181A735G51 |
Lower Aspirator with Cable X053C920g51A |
DI Resin Bottle Resin Tank for Charmilles |
Wire Alignment Device S684D844P68A |
Power supply cable 100432528 |
Sodick Discharge cable 900mm 4130799 |
Sodick Dischargeing cable 1100mm 4130894 |
Sodick AQ Discharge cable 1200mm 4133356 |
Sodick AQ Discharge cable 1500mm 4130848 |
3051262 Sodick Ceramic Block for Pulley B |
Charmilles Toothed Gear 130003227 |
Charmilles Gear for Contact Roller 100542886 |
Gears for Chamille Series Machines 130003232 |
Charmilles Wire Drive Roller 130003360 |
Wire drive roller with 4 grooves 100449329 |
EDM Magnets Super Power |
High Power EDM Magnets Set, 30N Capacity |
A290-8102-X393 Feed wire guide polycarbonate |
A290-8110-Y767 Lower base cover Fanuc EDM |
Fanuc Lower base cover A290-8101-X767 |
Shaft for Fanuc EDM A290-8112-X373 |
Shaft for Fanuc EDM A290-8112-X373 |
Fanuc Upper Screw for F8405 L=34mm |
Sodick EDM Pipe holder for pulley B 3051255 |
China Sodick Power Feed Contact 3085263 |
200434002 Contact support lower head |
Cover for Mill 200422631 |
Crimping Gear 35.9D X 18L 100446365 |
135009523 Contact Blade for Robofil series |
Lower wire guide holder 206308280 |
135001191 Stainless sleeve nut for lower guide |
Stainless nut for upper guide 100444744 |
100432545 Stainless nut for upper guide |
Metal nut for lower wire guide 100444760 |
Contact Braid with Module 204476280 |
Complete roller lower head 204448190 |
Power feed contacts 43033 for 254RS, 355RS |
Power feed contacts 43033 for 254RS, 355RS |
130003359 Wire Drive Roller without grooves |
Wire drive pulley for lower head 100542999 |
Makino Power Feed Contact Z248W0200300 |
Sodick guide sapphire C, 0.80mm AWF |
Charmilles Flushing Nozzle spring 100441726 |
632930000 Brother EDM Water nozzle 4 mm |
659398001 Lower Water Nozzle 4.0mm with AWT option |
Z248W0/200300 Upper Power Feed Contact |
100445441 Charmilles EDM Evacuation spring |
100446689 Charmilles Draw spring |
206410050 Charmilles Guide Channel |
Sapphire holder for Charmilles 330F, 340F |
640.070.0 Power Supply 0.1mm Threading |
135009524 Charmilles Tension roller for belt |
Upper Wire Guide 0.255mm A290-8101-X734 |
Lower Wire Guide 0.255mm A290-8101-X744 |
A290-8119-Y716 Wire Guide for Fanuc iD, iE |
A290-8110-X766 Fanuc Lower Shaft |
A290-8112-X375 Spacer Ring for Fanuc EDM |
Sodick Water Nozzle 3082997 3081604 |
3082128 4mm Upper Water Nozzle for Soick |
3082128 4mm Upper Water Nozzle for Soick |
3110303 4mm Flush caps for AQ400Ls |
X052B627G63 Mitsubishi MV Wire Guide |
Lower Wire Guide for Mitsubishi MV series |
X085C155H01 4mm Upper Water Nozzle for Mitsubishi MV |
4mm Lower Water Nozzle for Mitsubishi MV |
A290-8021-Y745 5.5mm Water Nozzle |
A290-8021-Y755 Fanuc Plastic Water Nozzle |
A290-8101-Y755 Fanuc Water nozzle holder |
A290-8102-X771 6.5mm EDM Water Nozzle |
A290-8102-X751 Fanuc Water Nozzle 6.5mm |
A290-8119-Z791 2mm Lower Flush Nozzle |
A290-8119-Z786 Lower Water Nozzle 4mm |
A290-8101-X756 6.5mm Water Nozzle Fanuc |
Upper Sub Die Guide A290-8110-Y726 |
Lower Jet nozzle 1.0mm A290-8110-Y774 |
Lower sub die guide 1.0mm A290-8110-X774 |
Ceramic#SUS Jet nozzle A290-8102-Y757 |
A290-8109-X753 Upper Sub Die Guide 0.9mm |
X182B995H01 Lower Die Guide Holder |
X187B621H01 Lower Die Guide Holder |
X187B621H01 Lower Die Guide Holder |
X055C662G51 Pinch roller |
X055C663G51 Drive roller |
X053C884G55 Guide D Brass Plate lower |
X053C884G52 0.4mm iD Guide D Brass Plate |
X182B893H01 Die guide block with door |
X187B284H01 Die guide block with door FX-K |
X088D493H02 Power feed contact for BA |
X052B123G54 Diamond Wire Guide Mitsubishi |
X187B580H02 Die Guide Holder with Door |
X177B713H02 Lower Die Block Roller housing |
X182B995H02 Die guide holder for RA series |
X181A354G51 Roller block and stainless insert |
x181a280g51 roller block for roller x183c422h01 |
X176C610H01 Lower Wire Guide Holder |
X177C046H03 Lower Wire Guide Holder |
X187B370H03 Upper Nozzle holder 73mm ID |
X182B458H02 Nozzle holder 63mm ID |
X056C507G51 guide U 0.4mm for upper head |
X056C846G51 guide U 0.4mm for upper head |
X056C274G51 Guide U for Mitsubishi FX series |
X602B845G51 Brass Pulley B Complete Set |
X196C131H01 Shaft for lower housing FA |
X258D320G51 Transfer pipe end Mitsubishi FX |
X254D700G52 Ceramic Wire Guide |
X179D401H01 Brass Adjustment Assembly |
S601D899P01 Wire feed DC motor |
X059D448G52 Power Feed Contact Opener |
S684N412P14 Water Pipe fitting for Mitsubishi EDM FX series |
X053C245H02 Carbide holder for Mitsubishi |
X056C839G51 Ceramic Roller for Mitsubishi FA |
X054D162G54 Pre Diamond Guide Set Screw |
X053C524G51 Pre diamond guide |
X053C524G51 Pre diamond guide |
432970#104329700 Upper injection chamber |
104329690 Lower injection chamber |
448970#204489700 Lower injection chamber |
204312150 Upper Injection Chamber Empty |
206401090 Lower Injection Chamber Empty |
X176C305H02 Roller shaft for M402C roller |
X194D154H01 Pinch Roller Shaft Mitsubishi |
X208D601H01 Guide Cover for Mitsubishi EDM |
X198D838H01 Lower Aspirator Mtisubishi EDM |
X194D998H02 Rectifier Ring for Roller Block |
X198D776H01 Brass Pipe Holder for Mitsubishi |
X189D690H04 Clamp Plate Brass |
X056C072H01 Ceramic Wire Guide 0.35mm |
X254D700G51 Nozzle for Transfer Pipe End |
X203C607H03 Lower Ceramic Roller FX. FX-K |
X183C442H01 Lower SUS Roller for Mitsubishi |
X183C442H01 Ceramic Roller for Mitsubishi |
M683 Water Pipe Fitting for Mitsubishi EDM |
M684 Water Connector Pipe Fitting |
Filter Element Water Connector |
X260D821N51 Wire guide opener |
X175C862H01 Roller Shaft for M404C |
X183C67901 Roller Shaft for Mitsubishi EDM |
X185C963H01 Shaft for Roller M406C |
X186C827H01 Shaft for ceramic roller |
M408-1 Shaft for ceramic roller, mitsubishi edm |
M462-6 Roller shaft for M409C |
M910 Ceramic Pipe for Mitsubishi EDM |
M911 Ceramic Pipe for Mitsubishi EDM |
SUS Bearing for Mitsubishi EDM FX, FX-K |
Upper Fanuc Water Nozzle 6.5mm |
Upper Fanuc Water Nozzle 6.5mm |
A290-8112-X378 Shaft for Ceramic Roller |
A290-8102-X752, 12mm Water Nozzle Fanuc |
A98L-0001-0972 V-Packing 4 inch Fanuc EDM |
A98L-0001-0973 Fanuc EDM V-Packing 6 inch |
X058D186G51 Cutter Unit for Mitsubishi EDM |
X204D293H02 Rectifier Ring |
1350009544 V Guide for Charmilles EDM |
100447470 Grease Blasolube for charmilles EDM |
135006394 Locking Nut for Charmilles EDM |
200010031 Brush for Charmilles Wire EDM |
104314360 Wire Evacuation Roller Compl |
204428560 Current supply upper head |
100446688 Holder for Contact brush |
333014035 Holder for Power Feed Contact |
A290-8101-X394 Plastic Feed Guide |
A290-8103-X366 Position Shaft Left Fanuc |
A97L-0201-0369/6001LLU bearing for Fanuc |
A97L-0201-0910#6003 Ball Bearings Fanuc |
A97L-0201-0911 Roller Bearing for Fanuc |
A97L-0201-0369-#FL608LLB Bearing Fanuc |
A97L-0001-0670-RF228OH Bearing |
A290-8112-X374 Brass Spacer Ring for Fanuc |
A290-8112-X656 Chuck for Fanuc wire edm |
Water Pipe fitting for Chmer EDM Wire cut |
Water Pipe fitting for Chmer EDM Wire cut |
Water Pipe fitting for Chmer EDM Wire cut |
Water Pipe fitting for Chmer EDM Wire cut |
Ceramic Pipe for Chmer EDM machine AWT |
Flow Meter for Chmer Wire Cut EDM |
Fuse Circuit for Chmer EDM Machine |
Nozzle Holder ID=73mm for Chmer EDM |
2 Pin Cable for Wire Alignment Device Chmer |
2 Pin Wire Alignment Device for Chmer EDM |
3080247 Diamond Wire Guide for Sodick EDM |
Nozzle base for S209W for Sodick EDM AQ |
100430586 Charmilles Wire Guide 0.25MM |
Brush for Motor L8 S30406-2D-02 Mitsubishi |
Motor Brush XBRCR-TS346N for Mutsibhshi SX |
Double Ground wire for Mitsubishi |
Brush for Chmer DC Geared motor |
200440864 Flat belt for Charmilles EDM |
200340781 Conveyer belt for Charmilles EDM |
200341182#341182 Belt for Charmilles EDM |
341408 Charmille Conveyer belt |
341805 Wire Conveyer belt for charmille edm |
200341253#341253 Wire conveyer belt |
341806 Conveyer belt#Flat beltr Charmilles |
341373 Charmille Conveyer belt, flat belt |
Flat belt for Charmilles EDM 341403#342403 |
Wire conveyer belt for Charmilles EDM 341404 |
200442546 Charmilles Conveyer belt |
200441192 Strap for Robofil 400, 600 |
200342211 Charmilles EDM Belt for robofil 452 |
200342212 Wire Conveyer Strap for Charmilles |
200447768 Charmilles Evacuation Belt |
640664 Conveyer belt 20x3520mmL |
640665 Wire Conveyer belt 20x4060 |
008141 Leather belt for Charmilles EDM |
A290-8110-X721 Fanuc EDM Guide block |
A290-8103-X762 Guide base for Fanuc EDM |
Lower Guide Base for Fanuc EDM α- B F404 |
A290-8110-Y762 Lower Guide Base Fanuc |
A290-8110-X770 Lower Guide block Fanuc |
A290-8110-Y770 Fanuc Guide block Ceramic |
A290-8004-X713 Wire Sub Roller Ceramic |
A970-0124-X002 Fanuc EDM Shaft |
135000217 Power Cable Charmilles EDM |
204462160 Charmilles Ground Cable |
204462170 Upper Right Braid |
200447887 Charmilles Ejector sleeve |
100444654 Bearing for Charmilles EDM |
200342978 Charmilles Oil Seal |
A290-8110-Y715 Fanuc Wire Guide |
A290-8110-Y717 Fanuc Wire Guide 0.30mm |
A290-8104-Y705 Wire Guide Fanuc iD, iE |
A290-8104-Y706 New Fanuc Wire Guide |
SUS Gear for Sodick Ceramic Roller |
X203C145H04 Aspirator for cutter unit |
X058D054H02 Full Ceramic Jet Nozzle |
X186C819H01 Die Block Cover Mitsubishi |
X186C819H02 Die guide holder door set |
X205C102H01 Cover door for Die block |
100446253 Charmilles Abrasive Rubber |
A290-8104-X612 Detecting block Fanuc |
A290-8104-X633 Fanuc Detecting Pin |
A290-8102-X723 Upper nozzle base Fanuc |
A290-8110-Y723 Fanuc nozzle holder |
X089D256H01 Power Feed Contact MV |
X058D257H04, DA99400 Inflate seal Mitsubishi FX20 |
X058D257H03 Inflate Seal Mitsubishi FX10 |
X209D212H01 Power Feed Holder |
Ceramic Jet nozzle A290-8102-Y761 |
Fanuc Wire Guide A290-8021-X766 |
Fanuc Diamond guide A290-8021-X776 |
Bearing for Fanuc EDM α- iA series |
Ceramic Guide Base A290-8110-Y761 |
Ceramic Isolator Plate for Fanuc EDM |
A290-8110-Y761 Fanuc Guide Base |
A290-8110-Y312 Fanuc Isolator Plate |
A290-8111-X527 Ceramic Isolator Plate |
A290-8116-Y546 Fanuc lsolator Plate |
A290-8120-Z764 Fanuc Isolator plate 0iE |
A290-8119-X764 Lower Isolation Plate 0iC |
A290-8120-X764 Lower isolating plate1iC |
A290-8120-X764 Lower isolating plate1iC |
X054D943H01 Door Spring#spring flat |
X927D276H01 Mitsubishi EDM Spring |
A290-8021-V722 Fanuc Nozzle Cap |
Double Ground cable for Mitsubishi CX FA |
Single Ground Cable Mitsubishi HA10 |
Single Ground Cable Mitsubishi HA10 |
Mitsubishi EDM Ground Cable Single |
Ground Cable for Mitsubishi Wire FA10 |
4 Pin Wire alignment cable Mitsubishi EDM |
X641D468G51 6 Pin Wire alignment cable |
X052B119G51 Wire alignment devices |
X651C256G52 Power feed cable for FX20 |
A290-8119-Z780 Power Feed Contact |
A290-8110-X750 FanucPower feed long |
X254D166G52 Ceramic processor |
X056C326G51 Wire cutter unit Mitsubishi |
X258D168G54 Coupling For Cutter Unit |
X052B399G51 Pipe End for FA20 |
X059D299G51 Ceramic nozzle mitsubishi FA |
X058D376H01 Fixed blade for cutter unit |
X053C522G51 Pinch roller with gear |
X053C522G52 Feed roller with gear |
S811N724P02 Bearing for Mitsubishi EDM |
X058D912G51 Urethane Tension Roller |
X258D320G51 Pipe end head for M501 |
X196C131H01 Roller shaft Mitsubishi |
3080065 Guide Sapphire C for Sodick |
104447350 Sapphire Sub-assembly Charmilles |
200434648 Charmilles Connecting Shaft |
200434555 Shaft for Charmilles Robifil |
100432353 Pinch roller shaft for Charmilles |
100444709 Tank Door Rubber Seal |
135009681 Charmilles Filter Cartridge 5 um |
X196C270G53 Housing For Aspirator |
X055C667G51 Air Cylingder Mitsubishi |
A290-8119-X618 Upper Brake Shoe |
X179D866H02 Shaft for Mitsubishi EDM |
135014591 Nut and Screw Set Charmilles |
446.493 Special screw upper contact |
130003223 Geared Wheel for Charmilles |
130004942 Shaft for Charmilles EDM |
130004943 Left Pinch roller Shaft |
130003228 Gear wheel Charmilles EDM |
130003229 Geared wheel Charmilles EDM |
130003361 Gear Pinch Roller Charmilles |
130004941 Shaft for Charmilles EDM |
130003237 Special Screw for Charmilles |
4344650 Upper Power cable for Charmilles |
5432750 Lower power cable 330F |
4339850 Lower wire guide 0.25mm 330F |
X058D257H05 Tube Sealing PA05 DB93700 |
DCC7700 Gear for Mitsubishi MV |
X193C196G51 Main Tension Rubber roller |
100430610 Wire drive motor Charmilles |
419.374.4 Suction tube Agie AC220 419374 |
180.683.5 Elastic water nozzle for Agie EDM |
A290-8110-Y726 Upper Sub Die Guide |
A290-8110-X770 Lower Guide block |
331012053 Guide lower head |
332015168 Ceramic Roller Cut20 |
135005953 Suction tube for Charmilles |
200448792 Ceramic Cutter, D=9.0x4.1mm |
100445990 Ceramic counter cutter |
135009479 Whistle for Cutter |
200000893 Set carbon brush brackets |
204314820 Bushing injectioin chamber |
100445225 Bushing for injection chamber |
100446689 Contact spring |
200442925 Upper Contact Holder |
100443210 Lower Contact Holder |
200441714 Flange for Wire Capture |
200441715 Nozzles for Charmilles EDM |
104475470 Directional Nozzle Charmilles |
135012681 Saphire holder |
200441995 Bushing Contact |
206308280 Holder for 430.586 |
X085C130G51 Ceramic isolator plate MV |
X089D225H01 Ceramic plate Mitsubishi MV |
X052B533G51 Pipe end FA20S Advance |
X088D073H01 Pipe FAS DT02800 |
X088D534H01 Felt for MVR, MVS |
X089D465G51 Nozzle for MVR, MVS |
130003835 Lower Tim head complete |
130003835 Lower Tim head complete |
204112290 Cover complete for Charmilles |
X055C012H01 Wire Chopper Motor |
X058D503G51 Pipe holder for cutter unit |
418.944.5 Drive Roller for Agie EDM |
418.954.4 Wire Drawing Roller Agie EDM |
338.184.5 Suction tube for Agie EDM |
338.864.2 Threaded ring speed set |
358.684.9 Current supply lower Agie EDM |
424.934.8 Current supply lower Agie EDM |
326.614.5 Wire cutter blade rectangular |
185.303.5 Standard nozzle upper |
323.304.6 Wire guide lower complete |
323.314.5 Wire guide upper complete |
333017383 Guide Holder Stainless |
332014105 Whistle for Cut20p |
S684D851P56 Bellow Mitsubishi FX10 |
S684D851P71 Bellows for FX20, FA20 |
135018282 Whistle Ceramic for Cutter |
135008364 Upper contact support Cut20 |
333017384 Holder plastic for Cut 30 |
X052B092G55 Diamond guide Mits H' SK3 series |
X052B102G54 Wire guide 0.255mm Upper |
S642D829P54 Solenoid Valve DA64600 |
Z491J0007000 Needle “10” Stamped water jet 2.0mm |
443.134 Wire chopper blade 590443134 |
848.614 Cutter Blade for Agie Wire EDM |
180.513 Driving Wheel Agie AC series EDM |
250.433 Nozzle Ceramic for Agie |
250.943 Nozzle Ceramic AC Challenge |
200641008 Counter cutter 200641639 |
A290-8002-X737 Wire guide sapphire |
A290-8110-Y734 Upper wire guide Ruby insert |
A290-8032-X626 Knife tungstan carbide |
104441400 Gear for Charmilles 2030, 4030 |
417.854 Wire Cutter Blade 590417854 |
443.464 Lower Current Pick up, Ø12 x 30mmL |
443.474 Upper Current Pick Up 590443474 |
590002254 Wire Drawing Rollers 0.03-0.33mm |
191.593 Cutter blade special 590191593 |
X269D013G52 Upper Pinch roller set FA |
X261D421H01 Pinch roller set FA-S, FA-V. BA |
135016091 Contact module assembly 104315160 |
135013556 Counter cutter for 640CC |
135008937 Slider for Charmilles 240CC, 440CC |
135016720 Housing empty lower head Composite |
135016089 Contact holder |
104490300 Nozzle Ø 16 mm 30° Taper |
135005957 Guide for suction nozzle |
100446275 Contact Pin |
174.122 Magnetic brake carrier 590174122 |
459.504 Wire detector 427.234 |
424.914 Current supply upper M6 screw |
694.197 Angular Contact Bearing |
155.502 Bottom flushing cover |
200641638 Chopper Ceramic, 641.017 |
104325510 U-slot contact 4325510 |
333019380 Locating piece 333.019.380 |
326.604 Brake Ring Set of 2 PC, 590326604 |
135015281 Carbon brush |
135014443 Carbon brush 135011891 |
3081414 Wave Washer 0204581 |
3051355 Ceramic pulley E set for BF275 |
3050651 Aspirator Block Upper & Lower S5026 |
135008369 Current supply contact unit |
100447273 Coupling 447.273 |
100446683 Contact block lower head 446.683 |
100444693 Brake roller |
200001319 Guide set Ø 0.10 mm 001.319 |
3081247 Aspirator Block Upper & Lower S5027 |
S801D824P09 Flow Meter Mitsibusih BA,FA-S,MV |
A290-8116-Y756 Slide Pin Ceramic |
A290-8112-X363 GEAR Ø82*14.5mmT |
199.484 Current supply AC 50, Agie DEM 315 |
385.794 Current supply upper complete 85mmL |
385.804 Current supply lower complete 74mmL |
100445138 Sleeve support 445.138 |
200640092 Suction nozzle 640.092 |
200448474 Ring for nozzle 448.473 |
200630545 Blade 800x140x0.5 mm 200431836 |
200431837 Blade 1060 x 140 x 0.5 mm |
130003728 Housing |
135015285 Carbon brush holder |
200542924 Contact plate 542.924 |
3080316 Lower power feed contact for AW series |
3080314 Lower power feed contact |
3080301 Power feed contact U#L 3030897 |
104470060 Contact module empty |
20EC090A401 Block Energizing |
A290-8110-Y770 Fanuc Guide block Ceramic |
X089D071H02 Pipe End |
X089D206H11 Nozzle for MV Series |
X089D286H02 Feed Nozzle |
X052B617H02 Pipe Block |
185.343 Centering ring |
258.433 Rectifier |
X055C630G54 Lower Die Holder BA |
P601F000P50 Z Axis Motor FX10 |
135018956 Counter cutter 6 teeth |
836.274 Upper flushing housing 201.742 |
836.284 Lower flushing housing |
155.512 Upper housing 155.512.7 |
351.564 Right arm complete |
201.712 Cover |
135011897 Pinch roller gear |
590426494 Inner nozzle |
200433996 Cover 433.996 |
135013557 Counter Cutter 640 CC |
135017496 Rethreading module |
X058D380H05 Packing A FA20 DA99900 |
X058D685H02 Packing B FA20 DB15600 |
A290-8112-X394 Ceramic guide |
X055C078H02 Aspirator Ceramic FA20 |
200970335 Cable for Rethreading module |
100641423 DC Motor, Maxon Motor |
135010020 Magnetic switch |
135009224 Actuator |
199.272 Nozzle, 590199272, 834.684 |
689.857 Seal, 590689857 |
332014096 Scraper for +GF+ Cut20 series |
135009554 Nozzle set complete |
135016946 Nozzle Ø 6 mm |
200542765 Bellows for Cut200, FI240 |
135010665 Threading Tube for Cut20 series |
200641003 Cam Level Ceramic |
X262D095H03 Lower Nozzle Support |
X263D959H01 Lower Nozzle holder MV |
X089D279H01 Jet nozzle ceramic 1.5mm |
100430039 Motor without Geared Bush |
135018483N Lower head complete Full water |
135011899 Coupling |
135011919 Wire exhaust |
18EC130B706 Nozzle Spacer Ø 6 mm |
Z248W0201500 Lower power feeder |
23EC090A705 V guide pulley for lower head |
23EC085A212 Upper wire guide 0.262 mm |
20EC090A207 Lower wire guide 0.255 mm |
23EC085A219 Jet nozzle 1.0 mm |
20EC085A716 V Guide Upper Ø 0.6 x 4.5mm |
20EC085A717 V Guide Upper Ø 0.6 x 5.0 mm |
A290-8004-V316 Wire sub roller assembly |
P5142-M6C2-DC24V Pneumatic valve Sodick |
135016057 Distribution unit complete |
135009449 Filter shell with o-ring |
200544155 Rotor |
Wire EDM Vise Manual Type |
Stainless Precision Vise for EDM |
Ruler for Wire EDM |
Ruler for Wire EDM |
Wire EDM Extensions Clamp |
HC-MF053-S2 Mitsubishi RA90 U Axis Motor |
X263D355H02 Upper Nozzle Support MV |
X209D468H01 Holder Brass with Oring |
20EC090A701 V Guide Pulley Saphire |
33EC085A107, Wire Guide Lower |
33EC095A107, Wire Guide Lower |
X927D319H03 Pulling coil spring blue |
X927D320H04 Pulling coil spring Red DK10800 |
X209D179H01 Lower Spacer for Nozzle stopper |
X197B296H02 Power feed base MV |
200542663 Geared Bush |
20EC090A403 Block pusher |
23EC085A220 Jet nozzle 1.5 mm |
A98L-0001-0938#1573 Clip |
A290-8119-X693 Electrode |
A290-8119-X394 Guide ( Full Ceramic ) |
TY110U810G00 Resistor Unit, DAL7200 |
TY110U636G00, DH23400, RESISTOR UNIT |
MDS-B-SVJ2-04 Servo Drive Unit |
X055C694G57 Sensor L=3400 mm DBD0800 |
200440765 Roller complete ceramic 440.765 |
200440769 Roller complete with shaft 440.764 |
204448200 Ceramic roller subassembly Ø 30mm |
200420567 Holder CF Wire cutting system |
200442922 Holder cutter plate |
200442945 Cover for cutter house |
A97L-0203-0424 Seal Ø 26 x Ø 9 x 4 mm |
18EC100A701 Pinch Roller, Ø70x Ø38 x16 mm |
Z474N1010100 Filter cartridge 25μm for Makino |
15EC100F411 A407 Urethane roller |
6EC100B404 Urethane roller |
200001997 Sieve filter |
135015812 Sieve filter 150 µm |
100446863 Bellows for Charmilles 290 |
135011487 Friction ring |
A97L-0201-0583#4B-M100S Sieve filter |
A97L-0201-0583#4B-TR Teflon ring |
X059D287H02 Idler Pulley Mitsubishi MV |
204455850 Nozzle Ø 12.5 mm for 30° Taper |
135010731 Door hinge set of 3 Pcs |
418.144 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.154 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.134 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.124 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2°, 323.354 |
323.364 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.634 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.644 Reverse roller Ø 30 mm 2° |
418.654 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.654 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
418.704 Reverse roller Ø 55 mm 2° |
435.604 Lower wire guide complete 590435604 |
418.004 Lower wire guide complete 590418004 |
417.974 Upper wire guide complete 590417974 |
417.984 Upper wire guide complete 590417984 |
X256C332H01 (DEH05A) Nesting Mitsubishi MV |
155.562 Adjustable nozzle 590155562 |
419.594 Suction tube 590419594 |
426.364 Threaded ring complete |
202.032 Geared wheel, 590202032 |
025.796 Micro cellular rubber 26x13 mm |
645.617 Pressure gauge 0-16 bar |
455.234 Agie M4 Motor 211.903, 253.823 |
694.057 O-ring Ø 430.66 x 5.34 mm |
335014040 Assembly Flange Ceramic |
3091162 Wire brush Sodick AQ750Ls,0620984 |
655.297 Deionization pump M5 50 Hz |
448.114 Filter |
326.864 Inlet sleeve for brake |
326.844 Sapphire deflector bushing |
419.064 Upper water nozzle ceramic |
419.234 Threading nozzle plastic |
689.587 Notched belt Powergrip |
209412035 NTH-ring upper head |
590459524 Blowing nozzle for brake 459.524 |
200290963 Sieve filter |
S684D851P26 Lower arm bellow FA10 |
3081136 Wire Guide |
448.774 Vacuum nozzle |
100441275 Centering Eye |
100449031 Water Nozzle Lower Ø 7 mm |
A290-8119-X685 Upper Block |
200640979 Sleeve Support |
100445141 Flushing hose connector |
590820907 Sealing ring |
200542366 Cap nut |
200542916 Spacer |
100446493 Special screw upper contact |
200542918 Cap nut |
135012090 Diffuser bimetall Ø 1.8 mm |
326.764 Water nozzle |
100342166 Power feeder contact |
135009533 Disc spring |
100446544 Geared belt Y and V axis |
200422543 Plastic housing |
135015151 Float switch |
135006059 Cap nut for Taper Expert |
0204934 Current supply upper/lower |
100444750 Upper contact support |
200543838 Contact plate |
332014049 Lower contact nut |
200447082 Carbon brush set of 2pc |
100446687 Carbon brush |
100447762 Geared wheel |
104452140 Pin spanner for distribution module |
200542925 Washer, special |
333010465 Seal cap for Ø 2.10-Ø 3.00mm electrode |
104325170 Distribution unit complete |
130003362 Contact sleeve |
135001191 Cap nut |
S811N724P02 One way clutch oben |
X054D897H01 Holder Upper |
X208D555H01 Packing |
X054D826H07 Jet nozzle Ø 0.75 mm |
X054D020H01 Power feed contact |
X054D125H03 Current supply upper/lower |
S913N313P11 Wave washer |
P840F000P69 Bearing |
X054D881H03 Lower Nozzle Ceramic |
X208D528H01 Nozzle holder |
X089D300H02 Jet nozzle ceramic MV |
6EC80B405 Press Guides Diamond |
33EC085A202 Makino Jet Nozzle 1.2mm |
23EC090A075 V Guide Pulley Makino |
A97L-0001-0670/LG Bearing |
A290-8102-X622 Pipe head |
A97L-0201-0490 |
A290-8103-X367 Position shaft right |
A290-8112-X362 Gear |
A290-8119-X391 Ceramic guide |
A290-8110-X751 Set Screw |
A290-8102-X653 Chunk |
A290-8119-X633 Detection pin eletrode |
100432352 Shaft |
590435664 Ceramic Tube for upper wire guide |
A290-8102-Y754 Jet nozzle Ø 1.8 mm |
A290-8112-X361 Flange |
100447764 Geared wheel |
S932N420P15 O-ring Ø 15.00 x 2.00 mm |
637.897 Cheese head screw M3 x 25 set of 5 pieces |
100432353 Pinch roller shaft |
6EC100A747 Roller |
533532001 Bearing |
632269000 Pulley ceramic |
100448328 Ground cable |
200001062 Guide Set Ø 1.1mm |
3086928 Guide C2 |
200447960 Geared belt V axis |
333014848 Metal cone |
590692367 Bearing |
312014062 O-ring Ø 6.70 x 1.80 mm |
209410040 O-ring Ø 17 x 1.8 mm |
312014581 O-ring Ø 21.20 x 1.8 mm |
S932N421P40 O-ring Ø 53.00 x 2.00 mm |
3081414 Wave washer |
X085C131H11 Lower nozzle MV Ø 4.0mm |
X186C793H02 Flush cap Ø 8 mm |
X183C378H01 Nozzle Ø 4 mm |
X186C793H01 upper flash cap Ø 4 mm+30mmL |
109410027 O-ring Ø 10.82 x 1.78 mm |
312014057 O-ring Ø 10.00 x 1.00 mm |
312014058 O-ring Ø 12.00 x 1.00 mm |
X927D278H01 Compression spring |
135009028 Ejector sleeve |
X052B539G51 Pipe end |
X059D290H01 Block |
X651C390G51 Fluid level sensor |
10444997 Coupler |
100447011 Plastic nut up |
100447060 Spring for flushing nozzle |
200641604 Nozzle |
200641617 Nozzle Ø 6 mm |
590395354 Wiper spring |
100542866 Gear for contact roller |
135014820 Ball bearing |
59041777 Set screw |
A290-8109-X778 Nozzle Ø 11 mm |
A290-8101-X774 Nozzle Ø 6.5 mm |
A290-8102-X772 Lower nozzle for taper cut Ø 12 mm |
A290-8119-Z788 Lower nozzle Ø 12 mm |
961.647 Cheese head screw M4X12 |
X059D247H01 guide |
390647747 Balling bearing |
323.324 Tension roller Ø 25 mm |
323.344 Tension roller Ø 35 mm |
338.474 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm |
408.034 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm |
408.044 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm |
408.044 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm |
X056C737G51 Pipe holder |
X058D903H01 Pipe holder |
X054D121H02 Plastic pulley w/bearing |
X056C804G51 (Wire) guide |
A290-8004-X410 Felt pad |
A290-8005-X721 Isolator plate |
A290-8037-X805 Ceramic roller |
A290-8102-X684 Spring |
A290-8110-Y763 Block |
S641D841P07 Resin Pump PS90-212A3 |
X268D658H01 Block for pipe fitting |
380506589 AUX-B25 Crate circuit board |
X055C798G51 Guide D Lower Mutsibishi BA |
X191A806G52 Lower guide base Mitsubishi MV |
X256C302H01 (DET8600) Guide holder lower |
X088D312H03 PACKING L=1500 MM, DBQ4300 |
135013010 Micro filter SMC |
135010835 Level latch |
18EC130B703 Insulation sleeve |
20EC080A702 Insulation sleeve |
AR25-F03-A Pressure regulator |
135009149 Shaft |
135010086 Shaft |
200434553 Shaft |
200434554 Shaft |
200542733 Shaft |
135002211 Pressure sensor for Charmilles wire EDM |
135009480 Barrel for cutter |
135016724 Ceramic nut |
381507512 Motor for AgieCharmille Cut20, 30 |
100447273 Coupling |
834.664 Cover complete 199.172 |
X264D651H01 Pulley Ø77 x 20mm Mitsubishi FA |
S684D887P67 Cutter Unit Mitsubishi MV 1200 |
333014045 Nozzle |
333014045 Jet nozzle |
333014039 Shaft |
135022222 135015299 Guide |
135000573 Valve |
Z248W0201500 Power feed contact |
O103 E69200033R00 Diamond wire guide Upper |
O104 E69200034R00 Diamond wire guide Lower |
A290-8119-X766 Lower Ceramic Roller F407 |
X089D194G51 Guide ceramic Mitsubishi MV |
X085C232G51 Wire Guide Mitsubishi MV |
X056C852G51 Jet Nozzle |
200543903 Flush Nozzle Ø 6 mm |
A290-8119-X765 Cover for roller |
A97L-0001-0389 XY-axis screw bearing |
590262163 Toroid guide Ø 2.5 mm |
X058D380H06 Packing A for FX30, FA30 |
X058D685H03 Packing B FA30, FX30 DB15700 |
X058D685H01 PACKING B, for FA10, FX10 |
X058D380H01 PACKING A, for FA10, FX10 |
S5012 Sodick Die block upper for new type AWT |
3051202, MW402811N Pulley-B Unit Upper |
130005463 Extension |
A290-8104-Y706 New Fanuc Wire Guide |
A290-8102-Y757 Ceramic#SUS Jet nozzle |
S801D824P01, Z041M Flow Meter |
C85N25-100-XC6A Pneumatic Cylinders |
X055C542G52 DAT2100 Slider Head |
447944 Wire detector |
AEDA-04-DWC Control Board MITSUBISHI |
4EC80A754-1 Pressure plate sapphire |
MDS-B-SVJ2 is an Drives-AC Servo |
Closing cover |
135010697 Segment tube C |
434.584 Guide Holder according |
200447611 cup washe |
326.834 Wire guide upper or lower |
A290-8102-X764 Nozzle |
A290-8119-X778 Spacer |
F494 Pre Seal Bellows 2pcs=1set |
M404C Capstan Roller Ceramic 57Ø*10Ø*25T |
M260, Isolation plate ceramic |
431.517.0 Cutting module complete |
431.517.0 Cutting module complete |
DEL91A004 Wave Washer |
590417964 Wire cutter |
590836274 Upper flush housing |
3054678 Lower Urethane Roller |
X052B641G51 Pipe Block for Mitsubishi edm |
DN35900 Packing L=2050mm for Mitsubishi edm |
X058D975G52 Guide Pipe |
X085C079G53 Die Guide (DU) 0.6mm |
X085C096G53 Die Guide (DU) 0.6mm |
M440-1 Ceramic Tension Roller |
M855 or M601 Die guide block with door FX-K |
18EC80A702 Makino Sapphire guide V type |
239.003.7 Wire transportation roller |
241.253 241.253.4 Driven roller carriage |
130005444, 204464880 Brake roller complete |
323.394 Casing box lower For Agie |
436.214.1 Cover plate assembly |
201.712 Cover plate assembly |
A290-8116-Y751 Upper guide block |
A290-8116-Y752 Upper guide block Stainless steel |
326.644.2 Wire Funnel Device |
436.114 SB12 Inlet sleeve for brake |
590833974, 833.974 Cutting plate |
0206109,3081423 Diamond guide Ø 0.255 mm |
130003173 100449329 Drive roller TiN Coating With 4 Groove |
130003174 100449329 Drive roller TiN Coating Flat |
A660-8014-T739#P Upper power cable 1, 2 |
A660-8014-T739#Q Upper power cable 3, 4 |
A660-8012-T768#J Lower power cable 7, 8. |
A660-8012-T768#K Lower power cable 9, 10 |
A290-8104-X614 Pipe block lower, for Fanuc 0iB |
A290-8112-X687 Pipe block upper, Fanuc 0iB |
A290-8112-X689 Pipe base Fanuc 0iB |
3052991, 3052771 Ceramic Roller B with Gear |
3052992, 3052772 Ceramic Roller C with Gear |
443.364 Threaded bush |
3052149 Feed Roller |
6EC100A406 Urethane Roller |
3051507,S5028 Aspirator nozzle |
3051534,S418 Urethane Roller Uppe |
135009544,434.544 V-guide,stainless steel |
3054274, S506 Felt A |
3052148,S5110 Bevel gear |
3051557,S5064 Pin connector |
3051572,S412 Urethane Roller Upper |
3053081, S5029 Aspirator nozzle B |
3053082, S5030 Aspirator nozzle C |
3053082, S5030 Aspirator nozzle C |
3082056, S203 NOZZLE UPPER & LOWER |
3082056, S203 Nozzle P , Upper & lower |
3080307, S005L,Conductivity piece D (upper) |
3082580, S009T Conductivity piece D |
MDS-B-SVJ2-01 Mitsubishi servo drives |
X179D406H04,M453-4 Wire guide for lower |
X208D165H01,DA53900 Shaft, for Mitsubishi EDM |
A290-8112-V607#STD,Gripper complete |
417.934,560417934 ,Sapphire ring |
590436464,436.464, Cone/Injection nozzles |
836.084,560836084,NOZZLE INOX |
435.994 Bushing |
135017496,135010092 Rethreading module |
590698287, 698.287 Geared belt AT5/525 16 |
590201732, 201.732 COVER PLAT |
590155772, 155.772 Diaphragm |
590262163, 272.613 Toroid guide |
15EC80B701, 15EC080B701 V-guide |
338.454 Pressure roller assy |
3091130, 3091294 Cutter/Geared Wheel |
3091131, 3091327 Cutter/Geared Whee |
135013233 valve gate Switch |
A660-8014-T224#0DET Detection cable |
A660-8014-T225#0LW Cable L=600mm |
699.517 Geared belt |
3088913, 0205647 Wire Guide (Taperflex) |
135008865 Pneumatic cartridge |
135016720N, 135009643 Lower head Composite |
204453120, 431.247 Arm seal |
X054D554H01, M483 Pully (with bearing) |
200434357 Electro-pneumatic valve |
X256C475H01 Upper nozzle holder |
200640978, 640.978 Ceramic Nozzle |
3054275, S507 Felt B |
100441727, 441.727 Ceramic guide |
3110547, S109-1 Wire guide Upper |
118760A, 0206051 Wire guide Upper |
X058D685H12 DCJ0300 Packing B for MV2400S |
200433309, 433.309 Upper ground cable |
X177B558H02, M131 Die Holder Upper |
130002082 Roller |
104463270, Reversion roller |
109044143, Countersunk screw set |
100445139, Nut terminal upper head |
100446202, ELBOW SCREW JOINT |
100446494, 446.494 Geared belt |
100446706, 446.706 ELBOW FITTING |
104466590, Pulley spool drive complete |
130003231 Shaft |
200434476, 434.476 Electro-pneumatic valve |
200441529, 441.529 Coil for solenoid valve |
200290946, 290.946 O-ring |
A290-8110-Y775, F127 Sub-Die Guide |
590250433, 250.433 Ceramic Nozzle |
X055C947G51 Aspirator Ceramic |
135018481 Sapphire holder |
135016355 CERAMIC GUIDE |
590323304, 323.304 Wire guide complete |
3110135, 0205799, Sapphire guide C10 |
3081706, 0204248 AWT Slide Belt Upper |
3082451, S701 AWT Slide Belt Upper |
3080711, 0200602, AWT Slide Belt Upper |
100942008, 942.008 Ground cable |
109227018, 922.701.8 Retaining ring |
130010462, 130005753 Ground cable |
335009073 Electrode guide ruby insert |
335009073 Electrode guide ruby insert |
A660-8014-T739#R Upper power cable 5,6 |
S648N452P02 Elbow |
X254D913G51, S663D823P02 Guide Pipe |
20EC090A702 V guide |
3082521, S5005 Slide block upper |
3082520, S5017 Flange upper |
3082830, 3082603 Water Nozzle Lower |
100446676, 446.676 Male elbow-tube |
18EC130B705, A208-3 Nozzle Ø 9.5 mm |
130003424 Spacer Stainless Steel |
130003680, K31 Shutter |
109042092 Screw |
130006435 Nozzle Ø 7.5 mm |
130006236 Stent Plastic |
135005346 Nozzle Ø15 mm |
S642D875P30 Solenoid Valve |
X209D468H02 Plate |
135008469 Contact Braid |
311011788 Fitting |
333006195 Fitting |
387003533 Fitting Assy |
33EC085A104, A109 Wire Guide Upper |
33EC095A104, A110 Wire Guide Lower |
178.222, 178.222.6 Diaphragm Φ7.5mm |
130000276 Notched belt |
135006123 Power Cable, L= 1520 mm |
590696047, 696.047 Solenoid valve |
X194D154H07 Shaft for Pinch Rolle |
A290-8032-X773, F103 Upper diamond guide |
3087334, S103T Diamond guide For 50° Taper |
X054D980G51 Guide pipe A |
Copper EDM Electrode Tube Ø 0.08 x200mmL |
200440552, 440.552 Brass pulley wire threading |
3086387, S406 Nozzle base for S209W |
3081674, S209 Water Nozzle Upper & Lower |
4130966, S800 Discharge cable L=80 mm |
135012545 Pinch roller Ø 50 mm EVA FIL V1 |
200544015, 447.445 Bush |
135009527, Shaft for cutter |
135011490 Protection sheet |
135010087 Connecting shaft |
200441714, 441.714 Flange for wire capture |
200442135, 442.135 Roller lower arm |
200442870, 442.870 Cap nut |
200442871, 442.871 Cap nut |
200443211, 443.211 Brass Screw M5 Lower |
200444496 Filter canister gasket |
200444677, 444.677 Roller Ø 150 mm |
204339840, 433.984.0 Lower Diamond guide |
A290-8032-Y611 Nozzle Ø 5.5 mm |
A290-8116-Y755 Guide base |
A290-8116-Y757 Slide pin holder |
200433982, 433.982 Guide plate |
200460776 Nut |
100446367, 446.367 Seal lower head |
100447233, 447.233 Spider |
104434490, 443.449.0 Gear wire motor |
105435310 Insulation wheel |
135009516 Sapphire holder |
135013556 Counter cutter |
200420451 Lower injection chamber empty |
204475790, 447.579.0 Roller |
335014053 Ceramic tube |
335014200 Ceramic tube |
500059797 Remote keypad |
A06B-1479-B135#05M1 AC Spindle Motor |
A90L-0001-0548#RL Fan |
CH101, 3140001 Diamond guide Upper & Lower |
CH102, 3W53A92A Diamond guide |
X058D994H04, X088D073H01 Pipe part |
X053C153G55, M125 Sub guide upper |
X053C994G52 Diamond Guide for taper |
X053C995G52 Diamond Guide for taper |
X054D027H02 , M481-1 Ceramic tube |
GNAB-X445 Pneumatic Valve |
3090004, S901 Wire Alignment Block |
X182B987G54 Wire Processor Housing |
S684D859P01 Bellows for FA30 |
3438115, S114 Wire guide upper & lower |
X262D713H02 Lever for MV2400 |
590002254 Wire draw rollers set of 2 PC |
X177B713H02, M459 Die Block Set Lower |
X053C995G52 Diamond Guide for taper |
A290-8011-X834 Diamond Guide upper & lower |
A290-8092-X706, F112 Diamond Guide Upper |
A290-8101-X734, F110 Diamond Guide Upper |
A290-8101-X744, F111 Diamond Guide Lower |
A290-8103-X706, F110T Diamond Guide Upper |
A290-8109-X716, F111T Diamond Guide Lower |
A290-8104-X705, F112T Diamond Guide Upper |
F112T Diamond Guide Upper (Ruby) |
A290-8104-X706, F112T Diamond Guide Upper |
A290-8110-Z716, F113T Diamond Guide Lower |
A290-8092-X716, F113 Diamond Guide Lower |
F114 Diamond Guide Upper for High Precision |
F114/45T Diamond guide (Ruby) for 45°Taper |
F114/30T Diamond guide (Ruby) for 30°Taper |
F115 Diamond guide lower for High accuracy |
F115-1 Diamond guide lower for Double ceramic |
F115-1/45T Diamond guide (Ruby) for 45°Taper |
A290-8116-Y753 Upper subdie guide base |
A290-8116-Y754 Upper subdie guide cover |
A290-8116-X726 Upper subdie guide |
A290-8110-V727#STD Cooling water cover |
A290-8110-Y728 Upper subdie guide spring |
A98L-00010347#S36-W Locknut ring |
A290-8119-Z777 Locknut |
A290-8120-Z763 Die guide base |
A6-SAKT-5X20SUS Electrode pin stopper |
A290-8119-Z762 Insulating seat |
A98L-0001-0347#S10-J O-ring |
A290-8119-Z785 Non-rotation block |
A290-8120-Z783 Cylinder base |
A97L-0203-0507 Cylinder |
A290-8120-Z781 Electrode pin holder 1 |
A290-8119-Z782 Electrode pin holder 2 |
A290-8119-Z793 Blade spring |
A290-8119-Z784, Insulating shaft |
262.213 Dummy for wire guide Ø 2.5 mm |
261.733 Dummy for wire guide Ø 2.5 mm |
590326724, 326.724.2, 326.724 Piston |
590326944 Tension spring for brake |
A290-8112-X352 Gasket |
A290-8119-X384 Bearing plate |
A290-8119-X386 Swing arm |
A290-8112-X370 Plate |
A290-8112-X364 Ring |
A290-8112-X362 Ring |
351.764 Blowing nozzle for brake |
385.804 Current supply lower complet |
t419.374 Suction tube funnel type |
645.567 Compression spring |
109412034 Set seals |
135005953 Suction tube |
204448200 Ceramic roller subassembly |
381506523 X/ Y/ Z axis encoder |
A6-JR.-17SUS Circlip |
A97L-0200-0651#L-06A-B Elbow |
A97L-0201-0372#C292 Locking spring |
A290-8110-Y771 Pipe guide |
A290-8110-X766 Shaft |
A290-8119-X374 Spacer |
A290-8112-X375 Spacer |
A290-8119-X375 Spacer |
A290-8120-X075 Pre Seal Bellows |
A290-8113-X075 Pre Seal Bellows |
A290-8119-X382 Pressure roller |
A290-8119-X383 Drive roller |
A290-8119-X762 Lower Roller Block Ceramic |
A290-8119-X767 Shaft |
A290-8120-X092 Bellows |
JB-HKYC5-020SUS Pin |
X058D991G51 Roller upper |
rX058D991G52, M700-1 Roller upper |
X089D205H01 Nozzle Ceramic |
J202-750, CKD Motor |
100430039 Motor without geared bush |
135006834 Connection cable |
A90L-0001-0404#GA A Gear Box |
A90L-0001-0404#M DC GEARED MOTOR |
A860-0309-T302 Axis encoder |
A66L-2050-0025#A Card slot |
A06B-6140-H026 Electronic module |
X058D133H01 Shaft Coupling Feed Section |
3088913 Diamond Guide for 45°Taper |
3087331 Diamond Guide for 50° Taper |
X055C358G52 Diamond Guide for 45° Taper |
X055C359G52 Diamond Guide for 45° Taper |
X052B092G55 Diamond Guide Lower |
X052B176G54, M117 Diamond guide lower |
X052B241G54, M117-1 Diamond guide lower |
SSZ1107, J101 Dies guide upper S type |
SSZ2107, J102 Dies guide lower S type |
200431021, C101 Diamond Guide Upper |
100431022, 431.022, C101 Diamond Guide Upper |
135011598 C101 Diamond Guide Upper |
200431112 C101 Diamond Guide Upper |
200431112 Diamond Guide Upper |
200432512 C101 Diamond Guide Upper |
135006537 C101 Diamond Guide Upper, |
200431026 Diamond Guide lower |
100431027 Diamond Guide lower |
200431124 Diamond Guide lower |
200431122 Diamond Guide lower |
100430586 Diamond Guide lower |
200432814 Diamond Guide lower |
135006536 Diamond Guide lower |
100431022 Diamond guide upper |
135011602 Diamond guide upper |
135006537 Diamond guide upper |
200431021 Diamond guide upper |
200431112 Diamond guide upper |
200431114 Diamond guide upper |
200432512 Diamond guide upper |
104433400 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
443.342.0 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
443.344.0 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
443.345.0 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
443.346.0 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
444.876.0 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
135006542 Wire guide set C101+C102 |
104433400 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
104433420 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
104433440 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
104433450 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
104433460 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
104448760 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
135006542 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
135011596 Diamond guide set C101+C104 |
388016977 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
388016978 Diamond guide set C101+C104 |
388016980 Diamond guide set C103+C104 |
590180683 180.683 Elastic water nozzle |
266.414 266.414.2 Reversion roller complete |
200445439 455.439 Carbon brushes |
200010031 010.031 Carbon brush |
135011393 Remote control panel |
204312150 Upper injection chamber empty |
206401090 Lower injection chamber empty |
S221/3 Water nozzle lower with tapered-end |
200430998 430.998 Ground cable |
204462180 446.218.0 Ground cable |
204462190 446.219.0 Ground cable |
388507933 Hard disk |
A290-8120-X319 Jet tube lower |
S684D851P56 Bellow |
X264D949H01 ME489 Pulley with bearing |
X256C414H01 Shaft for MV |
X055C118H02 M009V Power Feed Contact U&L |
X056C075H01 M009 Power Feed Contact U & L |
590395044, 395.044 Spring |
408.014, 385.284 Insert |
200544160 Seal |
335006208 Sieve 40 meshes |
335019396 Sieve 120 meshes |
AT543-300-SC Linear scale |
AT543-400-SC Linear scale for Mitutoyo |
SSD-T2L-16 Air Cylingder |
847284 Tube Wire Drawoff |
448.812 Wire cutter blade 2.5 mm |
445.990 Ceramic counter cutter |
3055135 Gutter Roller |
542.854 Compression spring |
135000172 Cable |
135011391 Remote keyboard |
200543467 543.467 Geared wheel |
200641003 641.003 Cam lever ceramic |
135014869 205441530 Geared wheels |
305450889 Tank door seal |
380504247, SBC-B22B Printed Circuit Board |
380509185 5042483B Printed Circuit Board |
381510652 Communications Cable |
500060094 PMO-29 New original board |
333014054 Cap for shaft |
381510991 Float Switch |
381511953 Float switch |
381512048 Float switch |
381510990 Float switch |
387014085 Tube Wire Drawoff |
387014188 Tube Wire Drawoff |
A290-8101-X765 Reversion roller |
A290-8101-X765 Cam Shaft |
A290-8112-X382 Pinch roller ceramic |
A290-8112-X383 Feed roller ceramic |
A290-8112-X391 Winding prevention guard |
A290-8112-Y360 Stainless steel ring |
A290-8112-Y361 Transparent Ring |
S642D829P14 DA64400 Solenoid Valve |
P840K002P36 Bearing for M412C |
P927K001P21 Compression coil spring |
X927D326H01 DGM3900 Compression spring |
X088D339G51 Sub Die A Upper |
DH302A Sub Die B Upper M137 |
DFH1800 Sub Dice base |
DFA1700 Pad |
X263D136G53 Pin heads |
X253C543H01 Lower carbide cover |
CXSM20-20 Pistone |
VNB104CS-8A Valvoa |
S600 AWT Pipe 2.0-1.0, L=285 mm |
S600-1 AWT Pipe 2.0-1.0, L=285 mm |
S600-2 AWT Pipe 2.0-1.0, L=285 mm |
S601 AWT Pipe 2.0-1.0-0.3, L=285 mm |
S602 AWT Pipe 2.0-1.0, L=153 mm |
6A2413001 Upper Ground Cable |
6A2453001 Upper Ground Cable |
418.944.5 Drive roller |
326.264 Inside nozzle complete |
432.284.8 Roller wire receptable |
135015266 Synchronous gear |
135016321 Upper injection chamber assy |
333014596 SD1 Moving ring |
317014599 Spring |
200007716 Oring |
335014600 Contact Brush SD1 |
360504277 Front Panel SD1/HD11 |
AUX-178 Capacitor board |
AUX-180 Circuit board |
PMO-54 Circuit board |
S684D894P09A M501 Wire cutter unit |
M501-1 Wire cutter |
F303 Isolation plate |
F405 Ceramic wire guide |
A290-8109-X753 Upper sub die guide ruby |
F306A Isolator plate lower |
F307-2 Guide base lower |
F124 Jet nozzle with ruby |
F617 Feed ceramic guide |
X262D527H01 Lower Die Holder |
X253C936H02 Die block upper |
X255C252H01 Die Housing U upper |
X253C989H02 Die Housing U upper |
135000000 Jet nozzle, Ceramic |
DHB9800 Low nozzle support |
634753001 Lower ground cable |
632921000 Lower ground cable |
A101 Diamind guide |
180.513.4 Driving wheel |
185.343.1 Centering ring |
261.733.0 Dummy for wire guide |
343.525 Carbon brush |
387.824.6 Sapphire nozzle |
418.124.4 Reverse roller Ø 25 mm 2° |
411.229.0 Cover complete |
431.482.0 Pin with tube |
X089D279H01 Jet nozzle Full Ceramic |
M485-1 Felt pad |
DN25200 Felt pad |
M450 Stainless clamping |
X262D738G51 Round stick |
P510K000P92 LCD Screen |
3110111 Nozzle Jacket |
3110112 Nozzle Base |
14108RD PRB UNIT 3 |
Z241A0017000 Bearing |
CUJB10-8-DCJ0115J Air Cylinder |
X085C147G52 Ceramic pinch roller |
6EC220A706=1 Ceramic cutter |
664.087 Pneumatic valve |
109410003 O-ring |
109410009 O-ring |
109410202 O-ring |
109410207 O-ring |
130003842 Geared wheel X, U and V-axis |
100445898 Compression spring |
135008366 Spacer |
200410540 Frame |
200421225 Spacer |
200431837 Blade |
200440037 Seal |
200443196 Seal |
200444934 Cleaning brush arm |
204607310 Kit sandwich |
200448671 Cap nut |
200448672 Cap nut |
204454810 Nozzle |
204462170 Ground cable L=700 mm |
204624120 Sealing set |
336014579 Geared belt |
380504242 Drive board |
X059D316H01 Drive 1/3 |
X085C233H01 Upper wire guide |
X085C128H01 Rectifier plate |
X256C312H01 Lower guide (UD) holder |
632990000 B102 Upper wire guide |
632993000 B103 Lower wire guide |
A290-8101-X750 F005 Power feed contact |
A290-8102-X600 F316 Guide plate upper |
A290-8102-X657 F603 Cutting electrode |
A290-8104-X632 Guide block |
A290-8110-Y780 Cover |
Multi-Channel Brass Electrode |
022124 Motor with cable+encoder E14/M14 |
381506568 Detector |
130003916 Cover complete |
100445225 Lower Bushing |
100446365 Crimping gear |
100446365 Crimping gear |
135011830 Nozzle nut Prestige |
135013557 Cutter |
135016054 Mosaic |
135018282 Whistle |
200442871 Cap nut |
200543904 Cap nut |
200640776 Disc Nut |
200641386 Bush |
200641456 Fluted button |
204449240 Pulley SUS |
335009157 Current pick-up set, |
535005462 Upper fixing support |
X274D892H01 Anneal Roller |
X085C147G52 Brake Rolle |
X058D943H01 DH06600 Belt (MT) |
X089D321H01 Sponge Washer |
DH11500 Valve |
DK10200 Screw |
DAC4800 Spacer |
S684D889P91 Gas Spring |
DFA1100 Stopper |
DEM7700 Valve |
DEG5700 Fan |
X088D312H09 Tank door packing |
DCL6800 Tank door packing |
X055C985G51 Packing A |
P932K002P47 Oil seal |
X055C971G51 DEB6700 Packing A for MV2400 |
X088D543H01 Felt |
696037 Cilinder group complete |
A290-8123-Z770 Power Feed Contact Seat |
A290-8120-Z764 Lower jet block |
A290-8120-X764 Insulator Block |
3087260 Discharge Cable |
11614XB Discharge cable lower |
X058D685H06 PACKING B for MV 1200 |
535005336 Nut |
A98L-0001-0938#1555 Clip |
A290-8101-X312 Isolator plate lower |
A290-8123-Z772 Bolt |
A97L-0201-0369/6203LLU Bearing |
A290-8110-Y770 Guide block Ceramic |
20EC090A404 Sapphire guide holder |
166.842 Electrode cable |
607.567 Nut |
048424 Air seal |
654067 Seal |
707857 Female stud elbow |
104329690 Lower injection chamber empty |
104329700 Upper injection chamber empty |
135019318 Pinch roller |
135016321 Upper injection chamber |
135022033 Fixed Piece |
204312140 Lower injection chamber empty |
204312150 Upper injection chamber |
308510165 PCB board |
381510378 Connecting cables |
535002247 Double-sided tape |
204489700 Upper injection chamber |
206401090 Lower injection chamber |
204487120 Lower injection chamber |
X055C787H01 Roller end plate left |
X088D699H02 Spacer |
X274D860H01 Conducting plate |
X089D051G51 Main tension rubber roller |
X183C442H01 Reversion roller |
X203C607H03 Lower roller ceramic |
S859N219P39 Bearing |
DBG4500 Valve |
P840K003P73 Bearing |
S684D886P97 Bellows for Mitsubishi MV |
P428K002P23 Manual box |
TY130U425G00 Operation box |
250373 Protective Bellows |
135005726 Blade |
135005714 Guide blade |
135009509 Current supply |
333017384 Interface lower guide |
208518110 Electronic board |
135011488 Sealing ring |
204448190 Delrin roller complete |
100441726 Spring |
322027192 Valve |
HC202S Motor |
M-5HL-6 Angle connector |
2065579 Wire gripper |
3030870 Stopper |
2063925 Pneumatic valve block unit |
3031980 Wiper Spring |
3031971 Teflon ring set |
J07599A Seal |
Tube guide ceramic Φ7.00 mm |
Tube guide ceramic Φ10.00 mm |
Tube guide ceramic Φ12.00 mm |
Tube guide fixture |
Power feed cable set for BA24 |
Power feed cable set for BA24 |
J39678A Flow meter |
147513B 4185399 MTLNK-01 Board |
0206108 Diamond guide |
147650C PRB UNIT |
3110316 Nozzle base lower |
3085949 Foot L |
3085950 Foot S |
SAD-01 Board |
135011394 Remote control panel |
135016724 Nut guid ceramic |
200410539 Frame |
200640471 Contact Clip |
200978737 Monitor 186 CCU PIL 1.58A |
208518340 Electronic Board APMT X-Y-Z |
332028140 Impeller and Pulley Assembly |
335014132 Support Left |
335014133 Support Right |
362510149 Keyboard Protection Film |
381506567 Float for Clean Tank |
381506571 Float for Dirty Tank |
381507509 Vortex Fan |
535004472 Lower Nut SS Contact |
A290-8102-X722 Guide base |
A290-8102-X721 Guide block |
A290-8102-X762 Lower guide base |
A290-8103-X762 Lower guide base |
A290-8110-X770 Guide Block A |
A290-8102-X770 Guide Block A |
A290-8110-Y762 Guide base lower |
A290-8119-X625 Detect roller upper |
A290-8119-X626 F423-2 Detect roller |
A290-8119-X639 Wire Guide Upper |
A290-8119-Z781 Electrode pin holder |
A290-8102-X615 Wire guide |
P662K000P31 Speed controller |
S642D875P15 Valve of SMC |
S684D888P02 Gas spring |
S891N003P10 Nut |
S892N031P00 Washer |
X055C786G51 Roller end plate ( Right ) |
X089D225H01 Isolation plate |
X927D333H03 Compression coil spring |
S803D812P88 Linear scale for Y-Axes |
S803D828P14 Linear scale for X-Axes |
DHJ1800 Linear scale for Y-Axes |
DJG7100 Linear scale for X-Axes |
Brass Electrode tubes, 1 Web Multi Channel |
Copper electrode tubes, 1 Web Multi Channel |
Copper electrode tubes, 3T Multi Channel |
500000234 Glide sealing |
3091131 0620970 Cutter teeth unit |
100446352 Geared belt |
381510990 Float switch (Clean Tank) |
381510991 Float switch (Dirty Tank) |
A290-8110-Z382 Pinch roller |
A290-8110-Z383 Feed roller |
A290-8110-Z382 Pinch roller |
FCH-32-5 Air cylinder |
HF-KN23K Mitsubishi servo motor |
AT543-150-SC Linear scale for Mitutoyo |
A02B-0236-C232 Keyboard |
A02B-0236-C241 Operator panel |
A02B-0281-C126 Keyboard |
A03B-0815-C001 Control Board |
A03B-0815-C003 Control Board |
A06B-0273-B101 Servo motor |
A06B-0273-B401 Servo motor |
A06B-0269-B200 Servo motor |
A06B-0269-B203 Servo motor |
A06B-6120-H045 Power supply |
A06B-6121-H030#H550 Control unit |
A06B-6124-H209 Control unit |
A06B-6132-H003 Control unit |
A02B-0236-C205 Control board |
A81L-0001-0083#3C Transformer |
3564705 TS guide Φ 0.10mm |
0224970 TS guide Φ 0.13mm |
3561930 TS guide Φ 0.15m |
3564305 TS guide Φ 0.15m |
3561932 TS guide Φ 0.20mm |
3561933 TS guide Φ 0.25mm |
3561666 0223153 TS guide Φ 0.30mm |
3561667 TS guide Φ 0.40mm |
3561668 0223154 TS guide Φ 0.50mm |
3561669 0223156 TS guide Φ 0.60mm |
3561670 0223157 TS guide Φ 0.70mm |
3561671 0223158 TS guide Φ 0.80mm |
3561672 0223159 TS guide Φ 0.90mm |
3561673 0223160 TS guide Φ 1.00mm |
3561674 0223161 TS guide Φ 1.10mm |
3561675 0223162 TS guide Φ 1.20mm |
3561676 0223163 TS guide Φ 1.30mm |
3561677 0223164 TS guide Φ 1.40mm |
3561678 0223165 TS guide Φ 1.50mm |
3561679 0223166 TS guide Φ 1.60mm |
3561680 0223167 TS guide Φ 1.70mm |
3561681 0223168 TS guide Φ 1.80mm |
3561682 0223169 TS guide Φ 1.90mm |
3561683 0223170 TS guide Φ 2.00mm |
3561684 0223171 TS guide Φ 2.10mm |
3561685 0223172 TS guide Φ 2.20mm |
3561686 0223173 TS guide Φ 2.30mm |
3561687 0223174 TS guide Φ 2.40mm |
3561688 0223175 TS guide Φ 2.50mm |
3561689 0223176 TS guide Φ 2.60mm |
3561690 0223177 TS guide Φ 2.70mm |
3561691 0223178 TS guide Φ 2.80mm |
3561692 0223179 TS guide Φ 2.90mm |
3561693 0223180 TS guide Φ 3.00mm |
J38404C AWT Pipes Ø 3.5 - 2.5mm |
3110826 AWT Pipes Ø3.5-2.5mm |
3110014 AWT Pipes Ø3.0-2.0mm |
11802FA AWT Pipes Ø3.0-2.0mm |
3110879 J06376D AWT Pipes Ø3.5-3.1mm |
J06376E AWT Pipes Ø3.5-2.5mm |
T03967C AWT Pipes Ø3.5-2.5mm |
T02149C AWT Pipes Ø3.0-2.0mm |
33EC095A718 Nozzle type |
33EC100B403-1 Urethane roller |
590233944 233.944 Brushes set |
323.334 Tension roller |
432.274 Tension roller |
590443134 Wire chopper blade |
448.924 Cutter |
100446880 Spool drive belt |
200342978 shaft seal |
314000404 Clasp |
321014080 Bearing |
325014083 Oil seal |
333014095 Shaft |
333014108 Shaft |
333014787 Guide fixing plate |
331013018 Oil tube |
200542923 Special screw |
641.508 Compression spring |
208572110 Power supply |
336012109 X axis belt |
381507514 Lower Float Switch |
381507513 Upper Float Switch |
381512308 Wire drive motor |
696777 Pneuma TIC valves unit 14 |
842544 Limit switch level |
A81L-0001-0164 AC Reactor |
A97L-0001-0670#R1030ZZ Bearing |
A97L-0001-0670#DRF2280H Bearing |
A97L-0201-0910#6003 Bearing |
A97L-0201-0911#6807S Bearing |
A98L-0001-0973 V-packing |
A98L-0005-0255 Horizontal soft key shee |
A98L-0005-0629 Horizontal soft key sheet |
F104T Lower diamond guide Φ 0.255mm |
F103 Upper diamond guide Φ 0.255mm |
F103T Upper diamond guide Φ 0.255mm |
A290-8037-X879 Nozzle F204 |
A290-8112-Z776 Nozzle |
A290-8119-V102#0LW Cable unit |
A290-8119-X711 Roller |
A290-8119-X739 Slide screw |
A660-8017-T650 Cable |
FAB11-M5-1 Valve |
S642D854P14 Nipple |
X088D274G51 Brush |
116341G Float switch assembly |
3052384 Pulley ceramic |
3056352 Eccentric wheel assy |
20EC920A401-01 Nozzle |
20EC920A401-00 Laminar nozzle HS |
20EC920A701-00 Insulated bush |
2041930 0206132 Wire conveyer belt (A1 type) |
2041931 Wire conveyer belt (A1 type) |
3052979 Rubber roller assy |
100446649 Pulley spool drive empty |
109044126 Screw Screw, set of 5 pieces |
135006840 Nozzle |
535020857 Ball bearing |
205432820 Insulating Plate with nut M4 |
200543463 Geared belt |
200641127 Drive belt |
262070254 Backup ring set |
327022455 Ceramic filter |
332027485 Filter |
337016567 Seal door |
381508922 Lower power cable |
381512154 Lower power cable |
500643123 Upper power cable |
535004824 AUX-230 Lower Gapbox Assy |
535023367 Micro filter |
590239193 Control unit |
A30L-0001-0048#5SUS Seal washer |
A97L-0100-0005#M12 Nut |
A97L-0100-0187#1CZR Laed screw |
A97L-0118-0109#3G Packing for Robocut 400 |
A97L-0118-0109#5G1 Packing for Robocut |
A97L-0201-0252#04S-B Coupling |
A97L-0201-0252#035WD-A Coupling |
A97L-0201-0252#050WD-C Coupling |
A97L-0201-0611#15 Lock nut |
A97L-0201-0611#20 Lock nut |
A97L-0201-0740#HNBR Bearing |
A97L-0203-0169#G Bearing (PAIR) |
A97L-0203-0187#G Bearing |
A97L-0203-0348 Hose band |
A97L-0203-0424 Roller seal |
A290-8006-X707 Wire Sub Rolle |
A290-8110-X317 Bushing |
A290-8110-X650 Isolate Ring |
A290-8113-X066 Whisk |
A290-8114-V067#STD Roller assy |
A290-8119-V612#VN Pulley assy |
A290-8119-X378 Shaft |
A290-8119-X628 Ceramic wire guide |
A290-8119-X768 Packing |
A290-8120-Y016 Ball sorew bellows |
A290-8124-X064 Bellows |
A290-8127-X775 Bushing |
X055C631G53 Guide U |
DET4600 Valve |
P110C613P00 Condenser |
X653C417G52 Encoder cable |
P601K010P22 Y Axis Motor |
P478K005P91 SSD Unit (Hard driver) |
X053C559G52 Tension roller |
J28302A M4LNK-02 W#CPU P.C.Board |
J06551A Wire guide AWT(FJ) |
3563392 K1C pipe guide |
Ultra-precision electrode brass tube |
135019257 Guide holder assy |
135008723 Retractable contact |
590251013 Reverse roller |
590251013 Reverse roller |
135013557 Cutter |
352.584 Tension roller |
130003835 Lower TIM head complete |
135011543 Power feeder holder |
135.015.858 HPF_S E BOARD K |
208.518.662 E UAL BOARD Unit |
135018529 Wire evacuation assy |
330.790 Ground cable |
135002149 Power supply cable |
332504724 Filter |
332507823 Filter |
333019382 Connector |
343507190 Relay |
360503628 Panel |
533532001 Bearing |
632902000 Water nozzle 1506 |
632902000 Water nozzle lower-STD1506 |
632922000 Guide ceramic roller |
109400145 Bearing |
135012133 Plastic Spacer |
135016088 Plastic module stop |
135012285 Power supply cable |
135009958 Distribution unit assy |
410.539 Frame |
434.367, 412.266 Plastic Frame |
421.224 Spacer |
434.377 Blade, |
434.400 Guide strip |
204607300 Kit sandwich aasy |
200431836 Blade |
204623050 Kit sandwich aasy |
109410182 O-ring |
109410280 O-ring |
362513205 Solid State Drive |
388513207 Cable Kit |
381509660 Cable |
MW413899A Brush A |
3054452 Brush B |
2990195 Brush C |
0205307 Alignment Block, |
3110304 Spring Ring FJ |
TWS-50 Electrode Wire |
3110030 Intermediate electrode block |
3110031 Intermediate electrode block |
HFD25S-008GB Solid State Drive |
MT403989A Spring |
0206243 Jet nozzle AWT FJ |
J17100A Sub Guide lower |
J26999A Clasp |
A16B-1212-0871 Power supply board |
F210 Nozzle Holder |
A290-8037-X330 Pinch roller ceramic |
DA64700 Valve |
DK78800 Valve assy |
Z042 Flow Meter |
151.001 Upper electrode cable with GAP BOX |
625.611 WEE test system WK23 |
690644 Print Circ Board PSC-04 |
100442927 Tube |
135018627 Shaft for roller |
200440039 Geared belt |
200444790 Geared belt |
200237175 Verin Pneumat |
200445625 Round D'epaisseur |
333019380 Locating piece |
333029355 Contact Nut |
A97L-0201-0713#10X10 Coupling |
A97L-0201-0901#20-6X6 Coupling |
A97L-0203-0422#E29-10X10 Coupling |
A290-8116-Y012 Bearing holder |
A06B-6117-H302 Servo Amplifier |
A290-8119-Z763 Die guide base |
A660-8011-T711#LWG Lower ground cable |
A290-8114-V647#COM Clutch |
98020895 DC motor gear head complete kit |
ER-017646C Wire EDM Clamping Beams |
X056C422H04 Air cylinder |
J55333A Wire guide A+B |
2TK3CGK-A-E2 Wire receiving motor |
33EC085A418 Nozzle guard |
201.702 Diaphragm |
36.334 Cover |
11654GE Discharging Cable |
118534C Pinch Roller |
118535D Feed Roller |
2070608 Teflon seal |
662070608 Teflon seal |
2111362 AC servo motor |
2111363 AC Servo Driver |
100340959 Cover |
444.671 Socket head screw |
200444827 Socket head screw |
445.105 Waved gauge |
100447955 Fitting Y |
130001622 Blowing seal |
130.008.205 Blowing seal |
130003851 Sieve filter |
130003846 Sieve filter |
130005860 Lower cable |
130008607 Machining cable |
135003317 Drain gate assy |
135009684 O-ring |
135013208 Isolatin slave |
200000956 Motor brush |
200290950 Filtration sieve with tube |
200291416 Sheet touch panel |
440.765 Ceramic roller complete |
440.765 Ceramic roller complete |
444.674 Shaft |
446.784 Valve |
200449538 Roller |
200544154 Stator |
200544155 Rotor |
200640091 Guide |
200641606 Washer special |
200641622 Spacer |
312014186 O-ring |
326007059 Lamp |
327014032 Cove |
331009918 Bellows |
331009918 Bellows |
332506371 Console air filter |
366505294 Adapter |
380510165 Board with cable |
381511588 Motor with encoder |
383506587 Gap Box Kit |
A04B-0311-J026#HGP Hand grease pump |
A16B-2202-0726 PCB Board |
A91L-0001-0257#C Pressure Sensor |
A290-8102-Y742 Brush |
A290-8119-V062#STD Pre seal bellows |
X191A801G52 Upper Block |
X186C827H04 Shaft |
X205C499H01 Shaft |
DQ45100 Solenoid Valve assy |
S684D859P67 Bellows |
S684D887P20 Gas spring |
S921N153P20 Pin for upper block |
X054D826H12 Jet nozzle |
X054D881H03 Lower Water Nozzle Lower |
X089D258H01 Ceramic roller |
X089D479G52 DFA0900 Coupling |
Z333B0200002 Cutter tungsten carbide |
200007095 Pipe guide |
262143 Upper guide body assembly |
252.333 252333 Inlet nozzle |
005944 005.944 500005944 Bushing ZIRC |
272.483 Cover |
590435664 435.664 Ceramic Tube |
500.051.807 500051807 Motor |
627.271 SBC-28H Board |
667.707 667707 Screw |
109042057 Screw |
689.867 689867 Kasch |
689.687 689867 Circlip |
694.397 694397 O-ring |
709.597 709597 Gas spring |
100257015 257.015 Geared belt |
100444748 Piston |
100542465 Motor+reducer |
104449640 444.964.0 V roller |
135006351 Pressure Sensor |
135006434 Tank door seal |
135006764 Compression spring |
135010312 PCB board |
135011488 Sealing ring |
135015151 Float switch |
135015572 Beading |
135023073 Upper Taper wire guide |
135016975 Lower taper wire guide |
135023375 Upper & Lower taper guide set |
135.023.374 Upper & Lower taper guide set |
135020575 Control panel unit |
208518680 Remote control panel |
208528621 PCB board |
380510165 PCB board |
500075024 ADC-23K Board |
500629481 POI-31B Board |
535004842 Upper Gap Box Kit |
HPS-24B Board |
380503055 IMC-B05B Board |
209315170 Sealing washer |
332007813 FW1 Filter plate |
333001007 FW1 Water curtain |
381507114 Upper float swith |
381507115 Brake |
590000244 Seal |
590250943 Nozzle Ceramic |
4EC80A708 4EC80A708=1 Rubber insert small |
33VM52-000-29 Pacific scientific motor |
147367A CRM-01 Board |
2040138 Conveyer belt |
2040139 Conveyer belt |
436925A GF tube |
3032782 GF tube |
A290-8102-Y742 Brush |
A290-8123-Z771 Power Feed Holder. |
P656F000P15 Air Cylinder |
S684D823P13 M130 Jet nozzle |
S684D823P14 M130 Jet nozzle |
S684D898P61 M130 Jet nozzle |
X053C141G53 D.D Guide |
DK59100 Sensor |
X054D186H03 Power Feed Contact |
X055C081G53 Die guide bracket |
X059D454G51 Die guide bracket |
X059D226H03 Gas spring |
DDX8400 Gas spring |
DH88700 Pinch roller |
X268D389H01 End nozzle |
DAU0700 Feeder Assembly |
333014131 Interface plate |
535018076 Support |
333014041 Interface |
333014139 Distributor |
337014138 U connector assy |
381507115 Hysteresis Brake |
333014114 Support |
000.274 Pressure roller |
2EC220B733 Dust Protection |
2TK3CGK-A-E2 Motor |
6EC80B404 Diamond wire guide |
6EC80B405 Press guide |
23EC085A713=2 Laminar nozzle |
424.754 Reverse Roller |
834.124 Bush |
11218VA Ceramic guide |
11218VA Lower Discharge Cable |
11938MB-B0N-EA Fan |
3055304 Die Block |
3110034 Lower Electrode |
109412034 Set seals |
130006946 Nut |
135001146 Bellows |
135005351 Ring For Nozzle |
135005957 Guide for suction nozzle |
135011490 Protection sheet |
135015963 V guide ceramic |
200542384 Threading nozzle |
205432760 Reel drive motor M11 |
209412031 Set seals |
311021260 Check Valve |
331014459 Arm Bellow |
331017414 Drain Bellow |
333014033 Jet Nozzle |
335015107 Guide Pulley |
337014158 Swivel nut |
387017373 Ruby Wheel Assy |
535008808 Belt |
A290-8002-X737 Wire guide |
A290-8112-Y759 Jet Nozzle |
MW402362C cutter spring |
P663K017P58 Cylinder |
P840F000P71 Bearing |
SGMPH-04ABA-SF22 Servo Motor |
X052B176G54 Lower diamond guide |
X053C153G55 M125 Guide Uper |
X085C131H13 Lower nozzle |
X085C131H13 Lower nozzle |
X085C257H04 Upper nozzle |
X089D300H05 Nozzle Upper |
A290-8119-X057 Bellows |
18EC80A719 Nozzle Ø 9.5 mm |
23EC085A411 Nozzle |
23EC085A707 Nozzle |
025157 Micro switch |
351.774 Blowing tube brake |
3050651 S5027 Die Block |
3050691 Ring Collar |
100446329 Shaft lower head |
100446375 Drive Spping |
100447142 V-seal |
109044048 Screw |
135009800 Cover contact module |
135016136 Guide support |
135018481 Sapphire holder |
135018619 Short cover |
200544151 Spacer |
200641611 Cartouche Legris Carstck |
312011934 Seal |
333011882 Ring |
333011883 Nut |
333011884 Ring |
535002585 Wire Cutter |
535002586 Counter Cutter Ceramic |
AE6699012 Power feeder |
B12193D Nozzle Guide |
E69200039R00 Upper wire guide |
E69200039R00 Upper wire guide |
E69200039R00 Upper wire guide |
E69200040R00 Lower wire guide |
X056C507G51 Guide U Upper |
500026587 Micro switch |
500030326 Rubber profile |
33EC085A711=1 Upper nozzle |
500044964 Level Switch |
560239113 Lower Guide Body Assembly |
435.974 Spring ring |
560435644 Piston Inox |
560456564 Upper wire guide complete (HP) |
456.574 Lower wire guide complete (HP) |
206607360 Kit sandwich |
3088913 Wire Guide |
108626140 Air filter element |
109042089 Hex Socket Screw |
109202183 Washer |
109315152 Male elbow-tube |
130004537 Collar seal |
135000034 Frame |
135000035 Sealing strip |
135000035 Sealing strip |
135001208 transmission |
135005721 Frame |
135006773 Guide strip |
135008724 Contact module empty |
135012113 Spacer |
135014381 Spacer |
135014473 Upper Injection Chamber |
135014892 Ion probe |
135015961 Whistle for cutter ceramic |
135022231 Power supply |
326512144 Carbon Brush |
326512144 Carbon Brush |
331012053 Bellow |
333014044 Cover |
333014051 Lead block |
334014087 Deflector |
334014087 Deflector |
335014134 Left Cover |
335015172 Scrap coil box |
337016569 Seal |
381507501 Float switch |
381509946 Wire Cut EDM Encoder Components |
387023202 Lower Pulley Assly |
387023892 Knob |
500109184 Rethreading Module Assembly |
A17B-3300-0202 CPU |
A97L-0203-0296 Cutter |
A290-8119-X395 Wire guide |
X053C136G52 Dies Upper |
X054D199H01 Upper current supply |
X054D199H01 Upper current supply |
18EC130B401 Nozzle guard |
590326294 Lower wire receptable ceramic |
326.334 Roller Pipe |
326.444 Bushing wire catch |
417.784 Disc |
417.794 Piston |
426.754 Reverse roller Ø 90 mm 2° |
426.754 Reverse roller Ø 90 mm 2° |
426.874 Non-return valve |
426.874 Non-return valve |
590665247 Straight drive joint |
665.507 Screw connection straight Ø 6 x G1/8" |
689.807 Bolting, Ø 8 x G1/8" |
654.497 Notched belt |
109400351 Ball bearing |
135000101 PIPE |
535010105 Mill 4 Teeth Convex |
A97L-0201-0262#3 Fastener |
A97L-0201-0262#3 Fastener |
A290-8102-X739 Slide Screw |
A290-8102-X739 Slide Screw |
A290-8110-V165#FLTU Float switch |
A290-8116-Z060 Arm Bellows |
A290-8116-Z060 Arm Bellows |
A660-8011-T684#UPG Upper ground cable |
A660-8014-T225#1LW Cable |
X052B664G62 Upper diamond guide 45° |
X052B665G62 Lower diamond guide 45° |
X191A803G52 Lower Roller Block |
A16B-1212-0871 Power Supply Board |
A16B-2100-0180 Board |
A290-8114-Z726 Upper Wrie Guide 30° |
A290-8119-Y736 Lower Guide |
MRL2-10-250 Air Hydraulic Cylinder |
200431788 Ceramic nozzler Ø 6.0 mm |
381508986 Wire Threading Motor |
500016697 AGIEcharmilles Machine CUT2000 Level Machine Parts |
259.883 Charmilles Motor with cables M12 |
022.124 Motor with cable + encoder E14/M14 |
322506371 Charmilles CUT20 air filter |
200970665 Metallic air filter |
135014393 CHARMILLES door lock |
135001264 Charmilles Roller cover for Z-axis |
130006373 130006374 solenoid valve |
135010602 EDM Spare Part Ring for nozzle |
135011545 AgieCharmilles PCB Board |
333017384 Guide interface Holder |
333017384 Guide interface Holder |
333017384 Guide interface Holder |
135019512 Charmilles cut200 300 Semi Regid Nylon Tube |
135018626 Shaft Fixed Roller |
331029452 331029453 EDM Parts Left & Right roller shutter |
388017451 O-Ring Kit Upper and Lower head |
135007451 Key for Switch XCS - Z13 |
200434002 Charmilles C660, C471 Contact Support |
135008477 Axial Fan Assembly |
135009579 Charmilles Regulator |
108555200 A CHARMILLES PCB Board |
200543924 Timing pulley |
135013422 Flow Meter For Charmilles Water Controler Valve |
200434119 Upper Chamber empty |
100432466 Pneumatic valve |
200641077 Double cone ceramic |
135012426 Pneumatic valve |
135011835 Nozzle complete |
135007713 Charmilles Flow regulator 10L |
100446606 Square Simple Male G1/8"-D.4 |
135009681 135015401 100340820 Filter cartridge 5 um |
200449142 449.142 Grease blasolube 301 900g |
100542469 Pressure transmitter |
100641423 641.423 Charmilles edm parts DC motor |
Plunger Diaphragm Assembly |
Slow wire guide rail threading guide block |
2062416 Sodick Brass value |
Charmilles CUT E350 Lower Arm Electrode Wire |
O-ring |
200544060 544.060 Coupling |
Non-return valve 3/8", 25 bar |
News Category
News List
What is EDM? |
Basic Concept of Wire EDM |
Basic Concept of Sinker EDM |
Small Hole Drilling EDM |